October 21, 2002

My gift from Roy

Times Square Mural © The Roy Lichtenstein Foundation

Saturday I window shopped some de Koonings and a Calder mobile, then browsed the special Roy Lichtenstein exhibit at the Mitchell-Innes and Nash Gallery displaying works that inspired his special gift to the city of New York and its denizens -- the bold Times Square Mural -- originally commissioned by the MTA Arts for Transit in 1990 and completed by the artist in 1994. The installation was recently completed and unveiled in September of this year.
MTA press release

The best thing about going to work at the Equitable Center is that it owns one of Lichtenstein's ten realized murals, the 68-foot tall Blue Brush Stroke. Not one of my favorites of his work, but the fact I get to see it, or his painting one of the firm's partners owns on our 44th floor makes my life in a law firm a bit brighter.

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